On 13 Mag, 16:29, canadaduane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wonder if you're looking for 'filter' instead of 'next'?
> $('.bloc-top').click(function(){
>   $(this).filter('.bloc-center').slideToggle('slow');
> });

well... first of all I'm not quite sure about the html Luciano posted.
I supposed something like this:

> <div id="box1" class="box">
>      <div class="bloc-top">content top</div>
>      <div class="bloc-center">content slideToggle</div>
> </div>

because the code he posted at the beginning contains the class
selector $('.bloc-center'), but there is no class="bloc-center" in the
sample html.

anyway, filter() will not work in this case, because bloc-center is
not inside bloc-top, but it's next to it.
so I'm using next()

but maybe I went too far.
correct jQuery for an xml like this:

<div id="box2" class="box">
     <bloc-top>content top</bloc-top>
     <bloc-center>content slideToggle</bloc-center>

would be:


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