On May 13, 3:52 pm, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Mike you are correct in someway but the problem is NOT completely
> >  solved. In this new version 2.05 the $.unblockUI() is working fine in
> >  IE 6.0 BUT even after the unblock I am not able to interact with the
> >  windows elements until I refresh the page. The function $.unblockUI()
> >  s removing the overlay from the window in IE but NOT allowing the user
> >  to interact / click / use any window element.
> >  Ashivin
> Ashivin,
> I'm not seeing this issue with IE6.  After unblocking I can interact
> with the page just fine.  Does the demo page work for you?
> http://www.malsup.com/jquery/block/#page
> Mike


I know that the demo on the provided URL is working in IE6. But the
section which I am trying is not working in IE. I am just unblocking
the window in $.facebox.close(). You can test it by creating a sample


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