I'm busily switching all my page templates from Prototype to jQuery.
I'm getting the following error I never saw before (seen via Firebug)
on a page that has been entirely changed over to jQuery, with
prototype all gone and no longer included/loaded.

[Exception... "Component is not available" nsresult: "0x80040111
(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "JS frame ::
:: sss_saveState :: line 1753" data: no]
[Break on this error] oState.session = { state: ((this._loadState ==

What could be causing this?  Is it just a Firefox bug?  (FF
on winXP)

I've seen only one "component is not available" error similar to this
one (though not the identical error) before and it disappeared when I
fixed a separate javascript error due to some mistake I had made.  But
this time is not so easy because I have no other errors on this
particular page that I'm aware of and it is otherwise "working".


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