the if statement needs to read: if($(a).attr('id').indexOf('div1') !=

On May 15, 10:41 am, motob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this would be possible, but you would need to write a custom
> selector expression. You can refer to this 
> link:
> You might be able to get away with something like this.
> jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
>   startsWithDiv1: function(a){
>     //a = DOM element being tested
>     if($(a).attr('id').indexOf('div1') != 0) {
>       return true;
>     }
>     return false;
>   }
> });
> Then you could use the selector like this $(":startsWithDiv1").
> The above code will test to see if the id attribute contains 'div1',
> but you can use a regular expression in place of the indexOf. If the
> function returns true, then the element is selected, if false, the
> element is not selected. I've never actually created my own custom
> selector, so maybe someone else can chime in too.
> Brian
> On May 15, 7:55 am, Orcun Avsar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is it possible to define a regex with a # selector that will allow
> > select multible idies.
> > For example i want to select tags with idies those start with "div1."
> > or some idies with more complexed match that can be find through a
> > regexp expression

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