I thought I had this working, but now it turns out the form is getting submitted twice.
I can see why it is getting submitted twice, but can't figure out how to change it and make it all work the problem is I don't have the data to be submitted until I run another function. I tried calling that function from the data line like this [code] $('#filterList').ajaxForm({ target: '#holdBands', beforeSubmit: submitFilter, type: 'post', data: searchBy Address }); [/code] but that didn't work (I removed the ajax response from the searchByAdress function when I tried this, but still got nothing). here is the code I have now, which works but submits twice [code] $('#filterList').ajaxForm({ target: '#holdBands', beforeSubmit: submitFilter, type: 'post' }); function submitFilter(formData, jqForm, options) { var queryString = $.param(formData); var addressTo = queryString.split('='); searchBYAddress(); } function searchBYAddress() { $('#map').jmap("searchAddress", { address: $('#address').val() }, function(options, point) { $('#map').jmap({pointLatLng:[point.y, point.x], pointHTML: 'Address' + options.address }); $('#map').jmap('init', {mapCenter: [point.y, point.x]}); $('#holdBands').html('<img src=\"images/ajax-loader.gif\">'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "processes/showList.php", data: "lat="+point.x+"&long="+point.y, success: function(response){ $('#holdBands').html(response); $("#holdBands").jScrollPane(); } }) }); } [/code] I have also tried to adding a 'return false' statement on the form submit, but that didn't help either.... I'm sure this is fairly easy, but I just can't quite figure it out. Pete