Thank you very much...  Worked like a charm!!


On May 17, 11:25 am, Tane Piper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> var imagename = $('a').attr('href');
> var newname = 'M' + imagename;
> $('a').attr('href', newname);
> eppytx wrote:
> > I have the following jquery in an "gallery" page:
> > $(document).ready(function(){
> >    $("#thumbnail a").click(function(){
> >            $("#picture a").attr({"href": $(this).attr("href")});
> >            $("#picture img").attr({"src": $(this).attr("href"), "title": 
> > $(">
> > img", this).attr("title")});
> >            $("#picture h2").html($("> img", this).attr("title"));
> >            return false;
> >    });
> >    $("#picture>img").load(function(){$
> > ("#picture>img:hidden").fadeIn("slow")});
> > });
> > The page has a list of thumbnails going down the right side, and when
> > clicking on the tn, this jquery will put the larger image in the
> > middle of the page (id=picture).  Currently it will put the href from
> > the tn into the ("#picture a").attr above, <a href="image.jpg">, but I
> > want to be able to slightly change the href by adding a "M" to the
> > front, <a href=Mimage.jpg>.
> > So the question is how can I concatenate a letter to the front of the
> > href attribute?
> > I am new to query & jquery, I can read it enough to somewhat tell what
> > it is doing, but don't know enough to do much changing.
> > I appreciate any help any one can offer.
> > Thanks
> > jimmy

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