Hi, (apologies if this is a duplicate post - I got a server error)

this may be an embarassingly simple question but I am new to
Javascript and JQuery and whilst I am trying to get me head around it
all I am getting myself tied up in knots.

Could anyone please tell me if it is possible to reset the timing on
the cycle plugin so that when you leave the pager you ge the full
length of time before the cycle moves to the next item?  I am trying
to use it to display some areas of text that contains a link.  I would
like the user to be able to get the mouse from the pager to the link
before the cycle kicks in.  It is fine if you hover over the pager at
the start of the countdown but if you go over towards the end the
cycle kicks in almost immediately when you move the mouse.

I hope that this make sense.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully giving me some


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