Bettina, try downloading the latest development version:

And see if it fixes the problem, there is a bug in the 2.0.3 version that
doesn't auto detect number if the equal zero.


2008/5/20 Hamish Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hmmmm... CF might be causing the problem, but you'll still be able to
> see it in the generated code.
> Can you compare the output with and without <cfoutput> - the
> difference should give you a clue as to why it isn't working.
> On May 19, 11:59 pm, Bettina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Yeah of course. Here i posted a picture how the table looks like:
> >
> > But it must be a Problem with ColdFusion because wenn i leave the
> > <cfoutput> away, and write the table and content by hand, the problem
> > ist gone and its working. Its really weard.
> >
> > And the code from the site looks like this:
> > <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="
> > OneTool4/site/scripte/tablesorter/themes/blue/style.css">
> >
> > <script language="javascript" src="
> > scripte/tablesorter/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>
> >
> > <script language="javascript">
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> >                 // extend the default setting to always include the zebra
> widget.
> >     $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ['zebra'];
> >
> >                 // extend the default setting to always sort on the
> second column
> >     $.tablesorter.defaults.sortList = [[3,1]];
> >
> >     $("table").tablesorter({
> >         // pass the headers argument and assing a object
> >         headers: {
> >             // assign the fourth column (we start counting zero)
> >             5: {
> >                 // disable it by setting the property sorter to false
> >                 sorter: false
> >             }
> >         }
> >     });});
> >
> > </script>
> >
> > <table class="tablesorter" cellspacing="1">
> >
> >         <thead>
> >                 <tr>
> >                         <th width="25">&nbsp;</th>
> >
> >                         <th width="70">Datum</th>
> >
> >                         <th width="250">Titel</th>
> >
> >                         <th width="150">Gefahrene Kilometer</th>
> >
> >                                 <th nowrap="nowrap">Kategorie</th>
> >
> >                         <th width="17">&nbsp;</th>
> >
> >                 </tr>
> >         </thead>
> >
> >                 <tbody>
> >                                 <tr>
> >                                         <td align="center">
> >                                                         <a
> href="act_change_param.cfm?param=status&value=0&id=78"><img
> > src="../images/status_aktiv.gif" alt="aktiv, sichtbar" title="aktiv,
> > sichtbar" border="0" /></a>
> >                                         </td>
> >
> >                                         <td
> align="center">13.02.2008</td>
> >
> >                                         <td><a
> href="index.cfm?incl=dsp_reise_auto_edit&edit=78">Superman
> > 2</a></td>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">0</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>Schweiz</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_reise_auto_del.cfm?del=78"
> > onClick="javascript:return confirm('Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich
> > l&ouml;schen?');" >
> >                                                         <img
> src="../images/del.gif" width="17" height="20" border="0"
> > alt="Eintrag l&ouml;schen" title="Eintrag l&ouml;schen">
> >                                                 </a></td>
> >                                         </tr>
> >
> >                                 <tr>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_change_param.cfm?param=status&value=0&id=85"><img
> > src="../images/status_aktiv.gif" alt="aktiv, sichtbar" title="aktiv,
> > sichtbar" border="0" /></a>
> >                                         </td>
> >
> >                                         <td
> align="center">01.01.2008</td>
> >
> >                                         <td><a href="index.cfm?
> > incl=dsp_reise_auto_edit&edit=85">Abschiebsparty</a></td>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">0</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>Schweiz</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_reise_auto_del.cfm?del=85"
> > onClick="javascript:return confirm('Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich
> > l&ouml;schen?');" >
> >                                                         <img
> src="../images/del.gif" width="17" height="20" border="0"
> > alt="Eintrag l&ouml;schen" title="Eintrag l&ouml;schen">
> >                                                 </a>
> >                                         </td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >
> >                                 <tr>
> >                                         <td align="center">
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_change_param.cfm?param=status&value=0&id=87"><img
> > src="../images/status_aktiv.gif" alt="aktiv, sichtbar" title="aktiv,
> > sichtbar" border="0" /></a>
> >                                         </td>
> >
> >                                         <td
> align="center">24.04.2008</td>
> >
> >                                         <td><a
> href="index.cfm?incl=dsp_reise_auto_edit&edit=87">Ahorn</
> > a></td>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">0</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>Italien</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_reise_auto_del.cfm?del=87"
> > onClick="javascript:return confirm('Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich
> > l&ouml;schen?');" >
> >                                                         <img
> src="../images/del.gif" width="17" height="20" border="0"
> > alt="Eintrag l&ouml;schen" title="Eintrag l&ouml;schen">
> >                                                 </a>
> >                                         </td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >
> >                                 <tr>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_change_param.cfm?param=status&value=0&id=83"><img
> > src="../images/status_aktiv.gif" alt="aktiv, sichtbar" title="aktiv,
> > sichtbar" border="0" /></a>
> >                                         </td>
> >
> >                                         <td
> align="center">18.02.2008</td>
> >
> >                                         <td><a
> href="index.cfm?incl=dsp_reise_auto_edit&edit=83">sdfsfds</
> > a></td>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">0</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>Italien</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_reise_auto_del.cfm?del=83"
> > onClick="javascript:return confirm('Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich
> > l&ouml;schen?');" >
> >                                                         <img
> src="../images/del.gif" width="17" height="20" border="0"
> > alt="Eintrag l&ouml;schen" title="Eintrag l&ouml;schen">
> >                                                 </a>
> >                                         </td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >
> >                                 <tr>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_change_param.cfm?param=status&value=1&id=88"><img
> > src="../images/status_inaktiv.gif" alt="inaktiv" title="inaktiv"
> > border="0" /></a>
> >                                         </td>
> >
> >                                         <td
> align="center">05.05.2009</td>
> >
> >                                         <td><a
> href="index.cfm?incl=dsp_reise_auto_edit&edit=88">Bettina</
> > a></td>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">2555</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>Frankreich</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_reise_auto_del.cfm?del=88"
> > onClick="javascript:return confirm('Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich
> > l&ouml;schen?');" >
> >                                                         <img
> src="../images/del.gif" width="17" height="20" border="0"
> > alt="Eintrag l&ouml;schen" title="Eintrag l&ouml;schen">
> >                                                 </a>
> >                                         </td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >
> >                                 <tr>
> >                                         <td align="center">
> >                                                         <a
> href="act_change_param.cfm?param=status&value=0&id=89"><img
> > src="../images/status_aktiv.gif" alt="aktiv, sichtbar" title="aktiv,
> > sichtbar" border="0" /></a>
> >                                         </td>
> >
> >                                         <td
> align="center">05.05.2008</td>
> >
> >                                         <td><a
> href="index.cfm?incl=dsp_reise_auto_edit&edit=89">sldfk</
> > a></td>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">15</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>Schweiz</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_reise_auto_del.cfm?del=89"
> > onClick="javascript:return confirm('Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich
> > l&ouml;schen?');" >
> >                                                         <img
> src="../images/del.gif" width="17" height="20" border="0"
> > alt="Eintrag l&ouml;schen" title="Eintrag l&ouml;schen">
> >                                                 </a>
> >                                         </td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >
> >                                 <tr>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_change_param.cfm?param=status&value=0&id=90"><img
> > src="../images/status_aktiv.gif" alt="aktiv, sichtbar" title="aktiv,
> > sichtbar" border="0" /></a>
> >                                         </td>
> >
> >                                         <td
> align="center">05.05.2008</td>
> >
> >                                         <td><a
> href="index.cfm?incl=dsp_reise_auto_edit&edit=90">sdf</a></
> > td>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">15</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>Schweiz</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_reise_auto_del.cfm?del=90"
> > onClick="javascript:return confirm('Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich
> > l&ouml;schen?');" >
> >                                                         <img
> src="../images/del.gif" width="17" height="20" border="0"
> > alt="Eintrag l&ouml;schen" title="Eintrag l&ouml;schen">
> >                                                 </a>
> >                                         </td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >
> >                                 <tr>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_change_param.cfm?param=status&value=0&id=91"><img
> > src="../images/status_aktiv.gif" alt="aktiv, sichtbar" title="aktiv,
> > sichtbar" border="0" /></a>
> >                                         </td>
> >
> >                                         <td
> align="center">05.05.2008</td>
> >
> >                                         <td><a
> href="index.cfm?incl=dsp_reise_auto_edit&edit=91">w34234</
> > a></td>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">123</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>Schweiz</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_reise_auto_del.cfm?del=91"
> > onClick="javascript:return confirm('Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich
> > l&ouml;schen?');" >
> >                                                         <img
> src="../images/del.gif" width="17" height="20" border="0"
> > alt="Eintrag l&ouml;schen" title="Eintrag l&ouml;schen">
> >                                                 </a>
> >                                         </td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >
> >                                 <tr>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_change_param.cfm?param=status&value=0&id=92"><img
> > src="../images/status_aktiv.gif" alt="aktiv, sichtbar" title="aktiv,
> > sichtbar" border="0" /></a>
> >                                         </td>
> >
> >                                         <td
> align="center">05.05.2008</td>
> >
> >                                         <td><a
> href="index.cfm?incl=dsp_reise_auto_edit&edit=92">23423</
> > a></td>
> >
> >                                         <td align="center">324</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>Frankreich</td>
> >
> >                                         <td>
> >                                                 <a
> href="act_reise_auto_del.cfm?del=92"
> > onClick="javascript:return confirm('Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich
> > l&ouml;schen?');" >
> >                                                         <img
> src="../images/del.gif" width="17" height="20" border="0"
> > alt="Eintrag l&ouml;schen" title="Eintrag l&ouml;schen">
> >                                                 </a>
> >                                         </td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >
> >     </tbody>
> > </table>

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