Thx.  Looks like the myhangouts example is going to get me moving...

On May 20, 6:53 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HiAndiih, I know the feeling! Don't worry, you will get it all sorted out.
> Take a look at the Google App Engine samples project:
> It has a couple of samples that may be close to what you're looking for: The
> geochat and myhangouts apps both use simplejson (the standard Python JSON
> module) to generate JSON output. I didn't look to see if they generate JSONP
> - there's a in the simplejson folder that generates JSONP, but
> I wasn't sure from a quick glance at the code if they are actually using
> that. In any case, converting from JSON to JSONP is trivial:
> jsonp = prefix + '(' + json + ')'
> jQuery isn't involved in the server code, so you'll probably want to ask
> followup questions in the GAE discussion group. But come on back here when
> you start on the client code!
> Hope that helps,
> -Mike
> > From:Andiih
> > Alphabet soup! I think I'm trying to learn too many new
> > things at once...
> > Anyone got examples for Google App Engine deliving basic web
> > service type API's ? A "hello world" type example would do
> > nicely - I would like to serialize objects and return them
> > with jsonp so I can fetch them from jQuery code running on
> > multiple sites.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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