Recently in another thread (BlockUI: Strange flickering problem), I found
that what I'd like is to have my message be the entire overlay. So as it
stands right now, you get a semi-transparent overlay with a message in the
middle. When you run your mouse over the overlay bit, the cursor turns into
an hour glass, but when you've got your mouse over the message in the middle
your cursor stays the normal default (or whatever you've set it to).

So what I'm dealing with is a grid of images where, on mouseover, I'm
throwing an overlay over the image that the user has moused over. I'd like
my message to be the entire overlay so that the cursor is never changed to
the hour glass. Also, I can then bind a click event to the message (I guess
that's how that works) so when the user clicks they get a larger view of my

check out what I'm talking about at



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