I've got my first ever dynamic website online. I evaluated several
javascript libraries, but knew pretty quick that jQuery was the right
choice. Now that the hard work is done I have no regrets with jQuery
at all.

The site is a small custom shop at http://cupcream.com. jQuery is used
to handle clicking thumbnails. There is a custom modal contact dialog
and some animated hovers and scrolls.

I also used the 'hoverIntent' plugin. This little plugin was a big
improvement for getting more of a 'tooltip' type feel to some of the
mouseover effects.

Anyways, the site is hardly a showcase for jQuery. But I've really
loved using it for the effects I needed.

My next step may be to try getting more of an ajax browsing going on,
so full page reloads aren't as necessary. I'll have to play around
with it more to make sure browser navigation doesn't break.

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