Trying to implement this now... Working off of what you said, is there
a way to do something like this?

var validationOptions = { rules: { name: { required: true } } };

$.extend(validationOptions, { rules: { email: { required: true } } });

And get a validationOptions with both?  Or will I need to keep
iterating over everything and merging each individually?

On May 25, 7:54 am, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't yet have a good idea of your setup, so just a quick idea:
> // somewhere before the other stuff
> var validationOptions = {};
> // set page specifc options
> $.extend(validationOptions, { ... });
> // generated
> $(...).validate(validationOptions);
> That would work with and without page-specific code.
> Jörn
> On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:36 AM, Doug Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm working on an ASP.NET validation integration with jQuery, and
> > there are some things that inherently don't fit with how I'm defining
> > my validation.  There are some things like required with dependency
> > expression and callbacks that are easier to ignore and define in the
> > page yourself.
> > My project (which I'll be releasing as open-source) automatically
> > generates the $("#formId").validate() method, and redefining it
> > elsewhere causes problems.  Is there a way to define it more than
> > once, but allow them to complement each other without overriding
> > (assuming there will be no conflicts)?
> > Thanks,
> > Doug

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