
It looks like you are converting the Date object to a string by adding a space to the start of it. Instead you should use the methods available on the Date object itself. So something like this should work:


(the asString method is defined in date.js and will format your date according to the Date.format you have set).

Alternatively you can use the native methods of the date object:


Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

pedalpete wrote:
I've made some progress with this, but my code is looking really

To rehash, I am trying to get the datepicker to update a span, not an
But i was getting an error.
Now I can update the span, but I can't split the date variable before
I update (it gives blank time and gmt details that I don't need

For some reason I have to have a space before the selectedDate
variable, or it isn't recognized and i get an error.
Anybody know why this is?

Here's my working code...

                        function(e, selectedDate, $td)
                                var getDate = ' '+selectedDate;
                                var splitDate = getDate.split("00:00:00");

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