Hi there,

I've set up an example page here: http://www.sockandpow.com/Q2/media.html

My questions are as follows:

1. Is there a way to customize how jcarousel references the external

i.e: I'd prefer not to have 1 Print :: 2 Broadcast :: 3 M.R.M
etcetera. For example, can we use classes or ID's and put them on the
<a> element, or have it iterate through a list of links in a certain
ID automatically?

For now i've used a span to hide the actual number (as with New

2. Is there a way to have the 'active' control highlighted?

Not sure where to begin with this. Ideally i'd like to be able to add
an 'active' class to the external control whose content is visible,
i.e. when:
  a. The control is clicked on directly
  b. When you use the next and previous to scroll through items,
highlight the controls as they become 'active'

3. Make my current carousel circular (couldn't quite figure this out
from the example given, in conjunction with the external controls

I hope I explained clearly, and thanks for any help!

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