Thanks, that worked perfectly.

On May 28, 5:11 am, Scott Sauyet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> macgregor wrote:
> > I have a survey marked up with a definition list like so:
> > <dl> [ ... ]
> >         <dt>Question 2</dt>
> >         <dd>Answer 1<input type="radio" /></dd>
> >         <dd>Answer 2<input type="radio" /></dd>
> >         <dd class="comments">Answer 3<input type="radio" /></dd>
> >         <dd class="feedback">
> >                 <textarea></textarea>
> >         </dd>
> > </dl>
> > Is there any way to select the dd elements for a particular dt? I
> > would like to be able to show/hide the textarea when the radio button
> > inside dd.comments is clicked/selected.
> It seems as though there should be something simpler, but I think this
> might work:
>      $(" textarea").hide();
>      $("dd.comments input[type=radio]").change(function() {
> $(this).parents("dd").nextAll("").find("textarea").show();
>      });
>      $("dd:not(.comments) input[type=radio]").change(function() {
> $(this).parents("dd").nextAll("").find("textarea").hide();
>      });
> Good luck,
>    -- Scott

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