Don't forget to check the jQuery documentation:

The selector you want is 'prev + next':

Eg, if I wanted to highlight in blue every paragraph object that comes
after a h1 heading:

$('h1 + p').css('color', 'blue');

On May 29, 2:06 pm, hubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I realized that I misstated my problem.  I realized that the item I
> want to check for is NOT a child, but the element that comes AFTER a
> specific element.  So, I have a list of specific elements, and if an
> element with a specific class does not come after the first element,
> hide the first element.
> Sorry this sounds strange.  I am trying to create a work around for my
> CMS.
> On May 28, 5:53 pm, Hamish Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can do it with selectors:
> > $('#main:not(:has(*))').hide();
> > Ie - 'select the element with the id "main" that does _not_ contain
> > any other element'.
> > Note that this is different from $('#main:empty') which includes text
> > nodes.
> > On May 29, 12:10 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I would do it by checking the DOM directly, just because it's reasonably
> > > straightforward and very efficient:
> > >     var $main = $('#main');
> > >     if( $main[0] && $main[0].firstChild ) $main.hide();
> > > -Mike
> > > > I am wondering how I could check if a parent element has
> > > > children, and it it does not, I would like to hide the parent.
> > > > I was looking at something like the following, but I am not
> > > > sure how to get it to work how I want:
> > > > $("#main > *").hide;- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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