This is the msn video site:
On the home page, we can see some small preview pictures of
videos.When we move the cursor over it, the picture will disappear,
and some description text about the video will show up and replace the
area of the original picture. When we move the cursor out of it, the
picture is back again.
I am trying to imitate exactly this effect.
I use both of the onmouseover and onmouseout events to do that job,
and it looks just as it is the real site of msn video. But there is a
problem with it and I spent a whole day on it but still can't figure
out a solution.
The problem is: when I move the cursor in a normal speed over several
preview pictures, everything is ok, but When I move the cursor over
these pictures in a high speed, some of the pictures will not come
back, and the replaced description texts of them are still there. It
seems as if some onmouseout events failed to execute or are missing.
Could someone give me some tips about how to resolve this problem?

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