
I'm a recent convert to jQuery, and so far, so great! I'm slowly  
moving through my home rolled javascript and migrating it across. One  
script which I'm desperate to fix is a generic 'addSubform' routine  
which I use to create a new child form (say address form) for a parent  
form (say organisation). I use a hidden template, which the routine  
clones and then renumbers (The back end is php so I need child forms  
inputs to be renumbered so that they end up as PHP arrays; the  
template fields are all prefixed with 'tmpl_' so I strip that and  
rename the input like so:

theName = theName.replace("tmpl_","");
node.name = prefix+'[' + subformCount + '][' + theName + ']' ;

The original function is roughly this:

function addSubform(childtype) {
   var mysubform = document.getElementById(childtype 
   mysubform.id = '';
   mysubform.style.display = 'block';
   // traverse all of the childnodes of mysubform
   depthTraverse (mysubform, renumberFormField, childtype );
   var insertHere = document.getElementById(childtype+'_insert');
   return false;

As I'm sure you've spotted - the depthTravers is the killer. It works,  
but is a pain for subforms with large 'select' popups.

I can see that being able to use a .filter() on inputs and textareas  
should make this much quicker ;-) but I'm still at the larval noobie  
stage and can't quite see how to do the renaming. I suspect I'm trying  
to do too much in one line!

Also - the inputs within the field will have their events attached -  
it seems to suggest that I can copy attached events over as well,  
using .clone(true) - is this actually the case, and what should I  
watch for?

I'm sure that this is the sort of thing that jQuery maestros run off  
all the time. Hoping someone point me in the right direction...

Kind regards,


Richard Dyce MA (Cantab.) MBCS MIET

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