Hi Mike,

Thanks for your quick reply.
I can see that your example works, but there are some problems with it.

The background div has to be positioned absolute, because it overlays the
actual site "beneath" it.
If you do that with your example, the foreground div will also be

So I used the following html:

    <div id="overlay_bg"></div>
    <div id="overlay_fg"></div>
    (rest of the site)

Now, the background is transparent, but the foreground isn't.
And I can't get the corners to work like this.

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 3:05 PM, malsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > First I display a div that covers the whole page and has a black,
> > transparent background.
> > Then I show another div, white background, centered on the screen.
> > So it's a kind of popup.
> > The problem is that when I just use $(...).corner(), nothing happens.
> > But if I color the corners with $(...).corner("cc:#000"), I can see the
> > corner, but it's black.
> Hard to say without seeing the whole page, but a very simple test case
> using your code works fine:
> http://www.malsup.com/jquery/corner/test4.html
> Mike

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