Randy, no one will be able to see your test page on localhost. Can you put
it on a public site?

>From looking at your code, the "mycl=undefined" happens because
$('#project').attr("value") returns undefined. The likely reasons for this
would be either that $('#project') does not return any elements, or that it
does return the proper element but the attr() method is not finding a value

An easy way to test this would be to put a debugger; statement right before
your code, load the page in Firefox with Firebug enabled, and then poke
around in the debugger. For example, you could enter:


to find out what that function really returns - does it just display [] (an
empty array) or does it have the expected element inside the brackets?

Also, is your code inside a ready function - either:

$(function() { ...your code here... });


$(document).ready(function() { ...your code here... });

(Those do exactly the same thing; it's just a matter of style which one you


> Here is my first issue:
> mycl is undefined.  I cannot seem to get it to work. 
> Here is the code:
>     {
>         before:function (target) //before request hide the target combobox
and display the loading message
>         {
>             $("#loading").css("display","block");
>             $(target).css("display","none");
>         },
>         after:function (target) //after request show the target combobox
and hide the loading message
>         {
>             $("#loading").css("display","none");
>             $(target).css("display","inline");
>         }
>     });
> <select name="project" id="project">
>       <option value="1">Project 1</option>
>       <option value="2">Project 2</option>
> </select>
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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