Hello there ladies and gents, hopefully someone can point me in the
right direction.

I'm using a combination of flot and ui tabs, and I want the following

When the user clicks on the tab, the text and background get changed
to display a loading message while the flot graph is drawn and
processed.  When the graph is drawn, the tab returns to normal.

I have this functionality, but the problem is that it's not showing.
When I step through the javascript with firebug, everything works
perfectly--the tab changes to display the loading, the graph gets
drawn, and then the tab returns to normal.  However when I'm not
debugging, everything seems to process so fast that nothing appears to
happen.  The problem is that it's not really processing so fast--there
is a noticeable few seconds delay between the time the tab is clicked
and the graph gets redrawn, hence why I want this feedback.  So I
suppose instead of saying "it seems to process so fast" what I really
mean is that it appears that the changes to the tab that get done
within the click function don't actually get displayed until the click
function finishes processing -- which makes it appear as if nothing
has been done.

I've scoured the learning jquery and jquery reference books, as well
as tried to dig around on the 'net and can't find anything to confirm
or deny this apparent behavior.  Does anyone happen to know one way or
the other, or know of any documentation that addresses this issue?
Does anyone happen to know how I can get this to work?

Thanks very much in advance.

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