var $j = jQuery.noConflict();


var myIcon = $j.jmap.createIcon(
        iconImage: "
        iconSize : new GSize(15, 13),
        iconAnchor : new GPoint(9, 34),
        infoWindowAnchor : new GPoint(9, 2)

        mapZoom: 11,
        mapEnableKey: true,
        mapCenter:[ 30,-97 ]
} );

function addCamPoint(i)
// cameras[][] is just an array with some geocoded locations.
var lat = cameras[i][0];
var lng = cameras[i][1];
var pHTML = "<div style='width:360px; height:340px;'>Some Info Here</

$j("#mapFrame").jmap("addMarker", {
        pointLatLng: [lat, lng],
        pointHTML: pHTML,
        centermap: true,
        icon: myIcon

for (i = 1; i < cameras.length; i++)
{ addCamPoint(i); }

});  // End DOM Ready


No matter what I do, the custom icon never gets added.  I've tried
overriding even the default options in the jMaps source code and to no
avail.  Anyone have any examples of how to use the jMaps plugin with
custom icons?


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