cool - that's part of what I need. Since I'm actually using inputs in the td's, wouldn't I need to get the value of the input within each td?

maybe I can figure that out from here...

(there's actually a plugin that converts tables to flot graphs... but since I'm using inputs in a table, I figured it wouldn't work)


On Jun 4, 2008, at 7:39 PM, Leanan wrote:

This is kinda pseudocodish, but it should do what you want:
$('button selector').click(function()  {
  $('table tr').each(function() {
    x = $(this + 'td:eq(1)');  //should grab the second td
    y = $(this + 'td:eq(2)');  //should grab the third td

Of course if you have multiple tables you'll be iterating over all of
them, so you may need to an id to the table so that you can use that
to select the proper table.

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