> "I have included the jquery and other scripts in this file to 
> simplify code mangement"
> How is that simplifying management?
> If a new release comes out (of either jQuery or any plugins 
> you are using), surely it's obvious that it's easier to 
> replace the single file in question than go into this big js 
> file you are creating and surgically make changes.....
> you aren't gaining anything with your merging process

Well, at this point we don't know what Jason is actually doing.

If he's concatenating the text of various .js files into one big .js file,
you're right, that won't make code management any easier. But it can give a
nice improvement in page load time: It's faster to download one big script
file than a number of small ones.

And it doesn't have to involve any surgery. A simple shell/batch script on
any platform can concatenate a number of files into one, so it's easy to
automate the process.


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