
For some reason I am receiving the following two errors in Firebug when
attempting to load a form that makes use of the Validation plugin.  I am
using this in a number of places without any errors, so this has me a bit
confused.  I even commented out all of the form fields and any other
scripts, figuring that one or more of them were causing some sort of
conflict, but everything I do results in the same two exceptions being
thrown.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?

jquery.validate.js (line 1114)

$.event.special has no properties
(no name)("focus", "focusin")
e(Object focus=focusin blur=focusout, function(),
(line 11)
(no name)(function())jquery.validate.j... (line 1103)
handler: function(e) {

jquery.validate.js (line 294)

jQuery(this.currentForm).delegate is not a function
validator(undefined, form#[object HTMLInputElement].uniForm
(line 183)
validate(undefined)jquery.validate.j... (line 32)
(no name)()add (line 22)
e()jquery-1.2.1.pack... (line 11)
e()jquery-1.2.1.pack... (line 11)
e([function(), function(), function()], function(),
(line 11)
e()jquery-1.2.1.pack... (line 11)
.delegate("focusin focusout keyup", ":text, :password, :file, select,

By the way, I am using version 1.3.

Thanks in advance,


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