That's not a bad idea. Maybe more suitable for a plugin than in the
core though.

I guess there are a couple of issues:

First of all, it might be tricky setting up a timed callback to an
annonymous function. You'd probably have to restrict it to named

Secondly, to do it right you'd probably need some kind of queue
management to prevent timeouts conflicting and making the problem even
worse (ie, user clicks several buttons in quick succession, loading
images trying to take precedence but ajax responses loading as they
arrive etc).

I guess the point is, you _could_ make it very rough and ready without
adding a lot of cruft, but it really needs to be user/programmer
friendly if it's going to part of the core functionality - and that
means bulk.

How are you doing it exactly? If you've already written the code you
should wrap it in a plugin and release it. :-)

On Jun 12, 7:12 am, Pellow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think a cool feature for the jquery ajax functions would be to
> specify a delay in milliseconds.
> So that when the ajax response is received, jquery checks this timer
> and waits before triggering the callback.
> Why?
> Because with ajax it is very common for people to use "Loading..."
> messages or animated gifs.
> In the event that the ajax response is really fast, this can lead to
> the messages flickering in and out on the website / UI.
> I believe that it can be annoying to the user to see messages
> appearing and disappearing really fast. Perhaps the user wonders what
> the message actually said.
> I think it's better usability to actually force a delay of atleast 2
> seconds, so the "Loading.." message has a chance to register on the
> users brain, rather than appearing and disappearing in an annoying
> fashion before they can lock on to it.
> Right now i'm coding this in myself where appropriate but I think it
> would be a logical addition to the core because ajax and "please wait"
> messages go hand in hand, and thus this feature is something
> continually needed.

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