
Are you supposed to be able to use jquery to search for non-html
elements?  I've got a web-app that is sending out xrefs which are
recursively expanded by jquery using the following function.

function expand_refs (context) {
  $("xref",context||document).each(function (i) {
    var rpl = cache[$(this).attr("ref")]||0;
      var cntxt = $(rpl).insertAfter(this);

This seems to work ok for some cases but I'm having trouble with a
select list.  The options inside are not being expanded.  The
following page illustrates the behaviour.  openair.js just calls
expand_refs on document ready.

When expand_refs gets around to expanding "MYSELECT", it can't find
any xrefs and so stops expanding that sub-tree and moves on to the
next one.    Am I doing something wrong?


    <script type='text/javascript'>cache = {  D2899 : "<div
id='D2899'><xref ref='D2900'></xref><xref ref='D2901'></xref><xref
ref='D2902'></xref></div>" ,
  D2900 : "<div id='D2900'><span id='S2903'>one</span></div>" ,
  D2901 : "<div id='D2901'><span id='S2904'>two</span><xref
ref='MYSELECT'></xref></div>" ,
  MYSELECT : "<select id='MYSELECT'><xref ref='O2906'></xref></
select>" ,
  O2906 : "<option id='O2906'><span id='S2907'>one</span></option>" ,
  D2902 : "<div id='D2902'><span id='S2908'>three</span></div>"  };
    <script type='text/javascript' src='/js/jquery.js'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='/js/openair.js'></script>

    <style type='text/css'></style>
    <div id='banner'>
    <div id='content'>

<div id='D2899'>
<xref ref='D2900'></xref>
<xref ref='D2901'></xref>
<xref ref='D2902'></xref>

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