And.. on the demo site, the revision is 4660.. And in the svn, only 2854 ?

Richard D. Worth a écrit :
This was an experimental plugin before the 1.0 release. Here are the old files in the svn archive:

The UI Roadmap lists it as a plugin that is still being discussed for inclusion:

- Richard

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 5:06 AM, Vincent Majer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    I found a discussion about this site and demos :

    I really like it.. But i can't find any docs on the php file behind
    the scene.. Neither a link to download this plugin.. If this is a
    plugin.. ? or a part of jquery UI ? But i didn't see any mention of
    it, on the jquery UI site..

    Anybody has informations about .. ?


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