Jeff -

Safari 2 has serious memory issues that are impossible to work around
- simply loading and executing too much JavaScript will cause it to
crash (as you see with the test suite). We do run the test suite
against Safari 2 but in pieces to verify that it works as intended.
Yes, we still support Safari 2.


On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 12:12 AM, Jeff Kenny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm working on a site and the js is crashing Safari 2.0.4, so I went
> back to check the compatibility page and it says it's supported. I ran
> the test page ( ) in Safari 2.0.4 multiple
> times and it crashed EVERY time BUT at different places.
> question is, is jQuery really compatible with Safari 2.0.4 or
> should it be taken off the list of compatibility? In which case I'm a
> little screwed.

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