You can use the showErrors-option for complete control over showing errors.

All options, including success and errorPlacement, are documented


On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 8:07 PM, Dorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi! I want to do something when input is correct and something else
> when isn't. I found options 'success' and 'errorPlacement' which
> aren't in documentation.
>                errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
>                        error.appendTo(element.parent());
>                        doSomething();
>                },
>                success: function(label) {
>                        doSomethingElse();
>                        label.remove();
>                }
> Works well, but I don't like it. I must remove label in success,
> because another way errorPlacement works only once (when validation is
> ok and I change input to incorrect errorPlacement doesn't work). So,
> Is there any different solution without removing label (something like
> failure, which works similarly to success? Thanks and sorry for my
> English.

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