Hopefully I am just overlooking something.  I am attempting to use the
tablesorter plugin, and can't get past a parsers error.  I am running
FireFox 3.  I want to use the default values, and have then commented
out trying to debug the error.  If I put the tablesorter() call at the
end, then my selectlists get populated.  With tablesorter being first,
by selectlists are empty and I get the error message listed after the
code listing.  Here is some of the code and the firebug information:

$(document).ready(function() {

  // extend the default setting to always include the zebra widget.
  // $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ['zebra'];

  // extend the default setting to always sort on the first column
  // $.tablesorter.defaults.sortList = [[4,0]];

  // extend the default setting to always sort on the first column
  // $.tablesorter.defaults.headers = {0:{ sorter: false}, 1:{sorter:
false}, 2:{ sorter: false}, 3:{ sorter: false}, 6:{ sorter: false}, 7:
{ sorter: false}};

  // call the tablesorter plugin

  // Populate School Select
  $.getJSON("/BusRoutesPortlet/JSONSchool",function(j) {
    var options = '';
    options += '<option value="0">-- No School Selected --</option>';
    for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) {
      options += '<option value="' + j[i].optionValue + '"';
      if (j[i].optionValue == sSch) {
        options += ' selected="selected"';
      options += '>' + j[i].optionDisplay + '</option>';

  $.getJSON("/BusRoutesPortlet/JSONRoute",{school_id: sSch},function(j)
    var options = '';
    options += '<option value="0">-- No Route Selected --</option>';
    for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) {
      options += '<option value="' + j[i].optionValue + '"';
      if (j[i].optionValue == sRte) {
        options += ' selected="selected"';
      options += '>' + j[i].optionDisplay + '</option>';


parsers is undefined
[Break on this error] (function($){$.extend({tablesorter:new function()
{var parsers=[],widgets=[];this...
jquery-tablesorte... (line 2)

Thank you!  Ken

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