Nevermind - reread your post and Charles won't help debugging the
remote script execture - just in checking that your response is what
you expect.

On Jun 21, 8:12 pm, Hamish Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Charles is a proxy debugging tool that (i think) every Ajax developer
> would find useful debugging this sort of thing:
> Lets you look under the hood without modifying your code.
> On Jun 21, 8:59 am, ajpiano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So literally no one has ever wanted to debug a remote script without
> > pulling their application apart to do so?
> > --adam
> > On Jun 18, 1:32 pm, ajpiano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Anyone have a clever method for doing step-debuggingon scripts
> > > fetched via $.getScript() ?  In firebug, if you add a "debugger;" to a
> > > remotely fetched script, Firebug shows the variables in the watch tab,
> > > etc, but it doesn't actually pull the script into the script window
> > > (it shows another page, scrolled to the line number of the debugger
> > > cal in the remote script).  If you do the same ("debugger;") and
> > > you're using IE and Visual Web Dev fordebuggingJS, VWD just crashes.
> > > Obviously it's a pain to have to tweak my code to have remote scripts
> > > loaded not-remotely just when I'mdebuggingthe actual remote scripts,
> > > so I was wondering if anyone else out there had dealt with this and
> > > figured it out....
> > > --adam
> > > PS. there are no cross-domain issues

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