Just use jQuery methods to find the node:

var node = $("...").appendTo("#products .someNode");


On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 2:25 PM, SirHoundalot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm using the async version of the treeview plugin by Jörn Zaefferer.
> I'd really like the ability to dynamically add nodes to the treeview,
> but am experiencing some difficulties in doing so.
> Currently I've managed to get top-level leaf nodes added using the
> following code:
> function addNode(cssClass,newName){
>                var node = $("<li><span 
> class='"+cssClass+"'>"+newName+"</span><ul></
> ul></li>").appendTo("#products");
>                $("#products").treeview({add: node});}
> where #products is the id of the ul that contains the tree.
> I can't work out how to add nodes elsewhere in the hierarchy though -
> is there a way to specify which parent to add the new nodes to?
> Thanks!

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