Hi Bill,

Ah.... I think I have it now?  In both examples above the Type of the
$.ajax is set to POST... so it is *not* a GET request...

however, in the string above I didn't have spaces - so it failed -
when the Object in the second example was sent (which worked
correctly) - obviously the spaces were correctly encoded...  So when
you pass params to a $.ajax and you don't URLEncode them into the
QueryString then the spaces will be stripped... Better to pass as an
object (which I now am!)

But it's still strange that when the data is passed as a String with
spaces that it works on APACHE & PHP.. very odd.

On Jun 24, 3:18 pm, Bil Corry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> patrick davey wrote on 6/23/2008 5:52 PM:
> >            data: 'requestID=350&elementID=' +
> >                            'ajax' + '&update_value=1 2 3 4 5',
> Spaces are not valid in a GET request.  The above should be:
>                 data: 'requestID=350&elementID=' +
>                                 'ajax' + '&update_value=1%202%203%204%205',
> - Bil

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