
still using the autocomplete script from

Currently the script expects by default that the response contains the
data as "visible text|other data" with one item per line (at least this
is what I figured out from reading the source, I did not find any
documentation about this - maybe I'm wrong!).

I have an application which returns HTML because this was the preferred
format for another autocompletion script which uses a different js
library. Now I want to make the switch to jQuery but I don't want to
change the application if not absolutely necessary.

It was quite easy using a custom parse function by using the parse
option (again, undocumented). But for me its much easier to just
transform my data into the default format and let the default parse
function do its job. But I did not find a way to call the default parse
function so I ended up copying it. Is there another way?

Furthermore I like to know if custom parse functions are an official
features (I did not find any documentation about them) or if they are
likely to go away in the future...


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