Hi group...

After some time of using jQuery I recently took time to create two
plugins myself.
The first is a sorting plugin called TinySort: 
The other is a file browsing plugin called SFBrowser:

I have a couple of questions.

The first is about TinySort. It returns the selection in the new
order, and there is also the option to return only the sorted
elements. To do that the plugin returns like this:
    return this.setArray(aNewOrder);
I don't remember where exactly I found this setArray but I also found
a similar method pushStack. They both seemed to work so I just picked
one by chance. What exactly is the difference between setArray and

Another problem I want to fix in TinySort is one where the sorted
strings contain both text and numbers. Right now it just compares two
values and if one of them is text they will sort like strings, if both
are numbers they sort like numbers. But I also want to be able to mix
strings like: ["a1","a10","a2"] correctly. Anybody has any idea's on
how to tackle this?

Last question is about SFBrowser. Basicly I just need someone who's
good at hacking PHP to find security holes (since it can download and
upload any file). I think I've got the most obvious holes covered but
there's bound to be some others. I originally created this plugin for
use inside a CMS, it would be nice to have it secure enough for non
CMS applications.



ps: I tried posting in jQuery plugins but for some reason that doesn't
work (last post in there is from april 2007)

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