> hello,
> I finally got my server to run an example comet application, which
> uses the long polling method.
> The example code I got uses prototype library, which i dont want to
> use. I understand there is a comet plugin for jquery that supports the
> bayeux  protocol, which is not what I want.
> Searching in this group, I have read that the long pollling method
> does not require a plugin, and just the standard ajax methods are ok.
> What I need to do shortly, is to submit an ajax request, (which will
> only be replied when the server sends data) when the server sends data
> (it sends success in the body, and json data in the response header),
> the ajax method must process the json data, and restart itself making
> another ajax request. also, this ajax request should start at document
> ready.
> Any ideas?
> Best,
> -C.B.

This should get you started:

(function($) {


function startComet() {
        url: 'myCometServer.php',
        complete: onComplete

function onComplete(xhr, status) {
    if (status == "success") {
        var json = xhr.getResponseHeader('myCometHeader');
    else {
        // handle errors


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