Can you give us an online example of this ?

Ariel Flesler

On 2 jul, 08:40, Eric Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the following code:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>     $("#FilterSubmit").click(function(){
>         var
> $pagename=""+$("#gender
> option:selected").val()+$("#location option:selected").val();
>         $("#FilteredProfiles").html('<img
> src="
> data.gif" alt="Fetching data">');
>         $("#FilteredProfiles").load($pagename, {limit: 25}, function(data){
>             alert(data);
>             $("#FilteredProfiles").html(data);
>         });
>     });//End of the filterSubmit actions
> });//end of ready function
> It seems that I can get it to work only on the FF browser I am doing the
> dev work on. When I try it on any other FF or IE browser it fails. What
> happens is the loading data graphic gets displayed and it comes back
> with data and the alert fires but no data displays in the
> FilteredProfiles div.
> I ahve looked and looked at this with no joy. Any help would be appreciated.

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