Funny, it worked for me on IE7. And FF2. I didn't test it on 3 yet.

BTW if you already have a $ or $(document).ready, you must take the
code inside the curly braces and insert that into it.

On Jul 2, 5:37 pm, Paul Malan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the code.  It doesn't work for me--still when I tab into a
> textbox in either IE7 or FF3 the content is selected and the cursor
> isn't positioned at the end of the text, even when I pull out
> everything but this function and two textboxes to test.
> I think I may just give up--it was a minor detail and not requested by
> the users.  Bugs me, though.  Seems like it shouldn't be so tricksy...
> On Jul 2, 3:12 pm, "Brian J. Fink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There may be a jQuery way to do this, but I don't know what it is.
> > However, I do know 2 ways to accomplish this: one DOM way, one IE way.
> > Both methods must be employed.
> > $(function() {
> >  $('input[type="text"]').bind('focus',function() {
> >   window.o=this;
> >   if (o.setSelectionRange)     /* DOM */
> >    setTimeout('o.setSelectionRange(o.value.length,o.value.length)',2);
> >   else if (o.createTextRange)     /* IE */
> >   {
> >    var r=o.createTextRange();
> >    r.moveStart('character',o.value.length);
> >;
> >   }
> >  });
> > });
> > On Jul 2, 2:55 pm, Paul Malan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > By default it seems browsers select all the text in a textbox when it
> > > gains focus by way of a tab-press.  I would like the cursor to be
> > > positioned at the end of any existing text in the input, instead.  The
> > > examples I'm turning up on Google don't work and seem needlessly
> > > complex, and since jQuery simplifies everything else I used to hate
> > > about Javascript, I thought I'd see if there's a simple way to
> > > position the cursor in a text input box on focus.  Is it doable?
> > > Thanks...

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