Try stepping *into* the .each() function instead of *over* it. That way you
can see how it works and how it calls down into your callback function.

There's not much to go wrong in .each() itself, so the error you're getting
is probably coming from your callback function. You can set "Break on all
errors" in Firebug to stop when and where the error occurs.

If that doesn't help, post a link to a test page, otherwise all we can do
from here is guess.


> From: darren
> Im trying to use 1.2.6, moving from 1.2.3.  I have a working 
> function in 1.2.3 but it is not working with the updated 
> jquery library, and I'm wondering if i have found a bug.
> The trouble call is this:
> jQuery('#apparatus .annotation').each( function(i){............
> .......
> When stepping over this call, firebug returns an error of 
> "object not defined".
> As I mentioned, this code is working correctly with jQuery 1.2.3.
> Note also I'm using jQuery, not $ for all of my calls.  Also, 
> im using jQuery.noConflict(). I have tried to used the 
> uncompressed and packed versions, witht he same result.
> Any suggestions?

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