Awesome!  You're the man, Karl - thanks.

FWIW I was able to use your same technique by
using .addClass( 'Layer-11-12-wrapper') on both 11 and 12 instead of
adding the div to the HTML section and get the same performance.

And thank you too for the suggestion on correct use of the images as
background vs inline.  I didn't have a good feel for correctness on
that.  The code generator will take a hint from any layer name to make
the image a CSS background-image url instead, but it isn't the
default.  It's interesting though - due to the intended use of the
code generator, many times shouldn't the image correctly be inlined?
For a graphical element of a menu for example?  Certainly for a
background to anything - the page, a form, a logo, some other design
element - then the CSS background-image url would way to go.

Thanks again.


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