> Wondering if there's an easy way to do this, either with the Cycle
> plugin by Mike Alsup or a similar plugin.
> We have a set of images scrolling left to right, but is it possible to
> show a little bit of the images on either side as well? ie.
> <div>| A |      |  ALL OF B |      | C |</div>
> So in the above example, the right edge of image A and left edge of
> image C can be seen either side of image B. Then the scroll happens:
> <div>| B |      |  ALL OF C |      | D |</div>
> C is now visible with B's right edge on and D's left edge on either side.
> Hope I've explained this adequately - all help would be greatly
> appreciated. :)
> Regards,
> Michael Price

Cycle won't handle that out of the box; you'd have to write a custom
transition.  This page shows you how you can define your own


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