Attached is a patch that I think would be useful. It allows for the
following code:

<p class="MyTooltips" id="something_unique">blah blah</p>
<span id="cluetip_something_unique">Here's the text of the tooltip</span>

<a href="#" id="something_else">click here!</a>
<p id="cluetip_something_else">Here's another tooltip text.</p>

$('.MyTooltips').cluetip({ autoid: true, local: true      });

To me, it seems to make sense, as long as you are willing to name the
tooltip text with the cluetip_ prefix on the id tag.  This allows the
various attributes to function as they are designed without conflict...

On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 11:25 PM, David Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As I somehow posted in another thread, sometimes the other attributes are
> already in use.  In this case, the href is already pointing to content, I
> can't use it for the help text.
> I posted a little bit of code in the other thread, I may work on
> embellishing it a bit.
> On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 10:33 PM, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Sure, feel free to ask for feature enhancements here.
>> Forgive me if you're already aware of this, but I thought I'd point out
>> that you do not need to use the rel attribute to grab the content. You can
>> use whatever attribute you'd like. In fact, if you're pointing to local
>> content, it would make sense to use a link's href attribute to point to
>> fetch the contents. That way, if JavaScript is turned off, you have an
>> anchor link to the content on the page. You could use this HTML, for
>> example:
>> <a class="tip" href="#somecontent">link to clueTip contents</a>
>> <div id="somecontent">this is the content that will show up in the
>> clueTip</div>
>>  And this jQuery:
>> $(document).ready(function() {
>>   $('a.tip').cluetip({
>>     attribute: 'href',
>>     local: true
>>   });
>> });
>> Would this meet your need?
>> --Karl
>> ____________
>> Karl Swedberg
>> On Jul 4, 2008, at 10:35 PM, David Morton wrote:
>> Yes, I think I can, now that I can use the local element concept.  I was
>> afraid before that I'd have to have a $('something').cluetip("dynamic") line
>> for every row - and since that data is dynamic, I couldn't reference another
>> file.
>> Is this the proper place to ask for feature enhancements for cluetip?  I
>> like the idea of having a cluetip element automatically look for another
>> element locally, but it is a slight abuse of html attributes.   One example
>> is the "rel" attribute for "a" elements - it's not really supposed to be
>> used to reference another class...
>> Also, since not everything that needs a tip is an anchor, I'm using
>> "label" elements and "for" attributes for some of my cluetips, but it breaks
>> the validation a little as the "for" attribute cannot start with a "." or
>> "#".
>> So.. a couple of ways around it, if cluetip could be made to follow...
>> Have an option for the cluetip call that tells it to assume a "." in front
>> of the class name attribute, which would let the text validate, or an option
>> to assume the tooltip text is in an element with an id the same as the
>> anchor plus a prefix or suffix.  ie,
>> <p class="MyTooltips" id="something">blah blah</p>
>> <span id="cluetip_something">Here's the text of the tooltip</span>
>> $('.MyTooltips').cluetip({ useids: true      });
>> This gets rid of the need for the rel attribute hack.
>> On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> David,
>>> Is there any way that you can just reference a separate file with your
>>> script in it? That's  the preferred way. You can then put <script
>>> src="yourfilename.js"></script> in the head of your document. Then in
>>> yourfilename.js, you put the cluetip line inside a document ready:
>>> $(document).ready(function() {
>>> $('whatever').cluetip();
>>> });
>>>  You won't have to worry about any of this stuff then, and you can keep
>>> the behavior separate from the content.
>>> --Karl
>>> ____________
>>> Karl Swedberg
>>> On Jul 4, 2008, at 8:01 PM, David Morton wrote:
>>> wait, that still doesn't quite explain it all...
>>> The other way I tried it was to have a span right after the link that
>>> contain the tooltip text, with a class matching the rel link in the anchor.
>>> Then I called the script to load local after the table, after the form
>>> actually.
>>> On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 6:41 PM, David Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> erg.  The data is available in a loop while in the table... I'll have to
>>>> loop again to output the javascript.  Drat that IE stuff.
>>>> I'll give it a shot.  Maybe I can capture the javascript string in
>>>> variable as I loop and then output it later.
>>>> I have tried to get rid of the tables altogether, but seeing as how it
>>>> is rows and columns of data, it's some pretty hard CSS to make it work.
>>>> Thanks for the help!
>>>>  On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>> Seems that IE does not like the script being executed from within a
>>>>> table cell. If you move the scripts out of the body and put them in the
>>>>> <head> or in a separate file (and make sure you're calling cluetip from
>>>>> within a document ready), it should work. I had to clear my cache before 
>>>>> IE
>>>>> would work again after making the changes, but that did the trick.
>>>>> Here is an example, with the table rows copied and pasted from your
>>>>> email:
>>>>> Actually, putting the scripts after the table in the body works too.
>>>>> The ways of IE are mysterious.
>>>>> --Karl
>>>>> ____________
>>>>> Karl Swedberg
>>>>> On Jul 4, 2008, at 12:24 PM, David Morton wrote:
>>>>> I even changed it to just have the tip in the call:
>>>>> <tr class="hambody" id="row_529806"><td align="left">
>>>>> <a id="link_529806" class="thickbox tip" rel=".tip_529806" 
>>>>> href="view.php?mail_id=529806&amp;cache_type=ham&amp;address_id=6">two</a>
>>>>> <script type="text/javascript">$("#link_529806").cluetip("two");</script>
>>>>> </td></tr>
>>>>> <tr class="hambody_alt" id="row_550060"><td align="left">
>>>>> <a id="link_550060" class="thickbox tip" rel=".tip_550060" 
>>>>> href="view.php?mail_id=550060&amp;cache_type=ham&amp;address_id=6">three</a>
>>>>> <script 
>>>>> type="text/javascript">$("#link_550060").cluetip("three");</script>
>>>>> </td></tr>
>>>>> And that crashes.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I can't tell from the information what is causing the problem, but if
>>>>>>> I had to guess, I'd suggest looking at the content that is being loaded.
>>>>>>> I've seen problems before when invalid markup, usually caused by 
>>>>>>> unclosed
>>>>>>> tags, is inserted into the cluetip. Not sure if this is the problem 
>>>>>>> here,
>>>>>>> but maybe it's a place to start.
>>>>>>> --Karl
>>>>>>> ____________
>>>>>>> Karl Swedberg
>>>>>>> On Jul 3, 2008, at 11:23 PM, dgm wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to use cluetip (Looks great!) to display a full text of
>>>>>>>> otherwise truncated data, in a table.  (Email subjects are truncated
>>>>>>>> for the normal view, but if you mouse over, I want a tooltip to show
>>>>>>>> the full subject).  I'm using php and smarty templates to generate
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> table rows:
>>>>>>>> <td align="left">
>>>>>>>> <a id="link_{$row[hamloop].id}" class="thickbox tip"
>>>>>>>> rel=".tip{$row[hamloop].id}"
>>>>>>>> href="view.php{$msid}mail_id={$row[hamloop].id}&amp;cache_type={$cache_type}&amp;address_id={$row[hamloop].address_id}">
>>>>>>>> {$row[hamloop].subject|truncate:$truncate_subject:"...":true|
>>>>>>>> escape:'htmlall'}
>>>>>>>> </a>
>>>>>>>> <span class="tip{$row[hamloop].id}">{$row[hamloop].subject|
>>>>>>>> escape:"javascript"|escape:'htmlall'}</span>
>>>>>>>> </td>
>>>>>>>> and then at the bottom of the file, I do:
>>>>>>>> $('a.tip').cluetip({local:true, cursor: 'pointer'});
>>>>>>>> This works great on Firefox 3, but IE 6 and 7 just give a blank
>>>>>>>> screen, or a bonk dialog that says the operation was aborted.  No
>>>>>>>> other info. :(
>>>>>>>> If I take out the cluetip call, it loads ok.
>>>>>>>> Example output  from the code above:
>>>>>>>> <td align="left">
>>>>>>>> <a id="link_12345" class="thickbox tip" rel=".tip12345"
>>>>>>>> href="view.php?
>>>>>>>> mail_id=12345&amp;cache_type=spam&amp;address_id=10">
>>>>>>>> A really long subject line...
>>>>>>>> </a>
>>>>>>>> <span class="tip12345">A really long subject line was
>>>>>>>> truncated</span>
>>>>>>>> </td>
>>>>>>>> As I understand the docs, the <a rel=".tip12345" ... means it will
>>>>>>>> put
>>>>>>>> the <span class="tip12345" text into he tooltip.  This is repeated
>>>>>>>> many times with different id's, so there is still a one to one
>>>>>>>> mapping
>>>>>>>> of rel's to spans.
>>>>>>>> Any ideas as to what is going on?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> David Morton
>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - bulk address
>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - direct to my server
>>>>> --
>>>>> David Morton
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - bulk address
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - direct to my server
>>>> --
>>>> David Morton
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - bulk address
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - direct to my server
>>> --
>>> David Morton
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - bulk address
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - direct to my server
>> --
>> David Morton
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - bulk address
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - direct to my server
> --
> David Morton
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - bulk address
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - direct to my server

David Morton
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - bulk address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - direct to my server

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