oooh, thanks for catching that, Erik! fixed now.


Karl Swedberg

On Jul 6, 2008, at 7:02 PM, Erik Beeson wrote:

Seems to have some HTML escaping issues on your options page:

At least in Safari.


On 7/6/08, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

sorry, but I'm changing the name from summarizer (with an r) to summarize.
Seems to make more sense as a verb. so now you can find it at:

Karl Swedberg

On Jul 6, 2008, at 3:22 PM, Karl Swedberg wrote:

sounds like a reasonable thing to want, so I just whipped up a new plugin
for you:

Please keep in mind that it hasn't been tested extensively, and the
documentation is kind of spotty, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out
how it works.

One important thing to note is that your selector should be the parent
element of the elements you want to expand/collapse.

Karl Swedberg

On Jul 6, 2008, at 11:55 AM, clorentzen wrote:

I am looking to add an expander/truncator feature to a site I'm
building. However, the plugins and other code snippets I've found cut off text based on character count. What I'm looking for is something
that cuts off based on a specific number of paragraphs. So, for
example, inside a targeted div, after the second <p> it would hide all remaining <p>s, and insert a "read more" link. Clicking would expose
the hidden elements and add a "read less" link.

I haven't been able to figure out a way to do this... Can anyone point
me in the right direction? I've posted an example page here:

It's making use of the truncator plugin found here:

(I've also tried Karl Swedberg's Expander plugin, but it doesn't seem
appropriate in this case since it's not intended to truncate/expand
across multiple block-level elements.)

Can this truncator plugin code be modified to count <p>s rather than
characters? Or is there a simpler/better way to accomplish this?


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