
Sorry about the reposts -- I didn't realize the group was moderated for 
new users.

----- Previous Message -----
From: JonDetroit
Date: 7/7/08 9:36 AM
> I've come across a problem with Mike Alsup's very good Cycle plug-in.
> This occurs when using both the random feature and a "previous" link.
> "Previous" will go to the previous item as it is ordered in the HTML,
> regardless of what appeared previously to the user in the random
> order.
> For example, if I have elements to be cycled which appear in the page
> code in this order:
> A, B, C
> But when randomized appear to the user in this order:
> A, C, B
> Then, if the user clicks the "Previous" link with B showing, the cycle
> will go to A, not C as the user would expect.
> Is there any way to achieve the expected behavior?
> Many thanks,
> Jon

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