
I have a jquery script that works if the page is called directly at or the script is added
through firebug after going to and
clicking F.A.Q. from the top menu item.

I am working on a FAQ page for my site which will be going live soon.
My goal would be to display a answer (dt) to a FAQ only after they
click the question (dd).  I don't receive an error when clicking the
Question but the answer doesn't display.

BTW, I am using jQuery on a few other places in the RIA application
and don't have problems like this.

Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

   function( intIndex ){

 // Bind the onclick event to simply alert the# // iteration index
jQuery( this ).bind (

        //end of document.ready

A piece of the page code that is to be changed.

<a name="registration"></a>
<div class="faqsection" id="faq_registration">
<dl class="deflist" id="deflist_registration">

        <dt class="faq_dt" id="faq_1">Why should I use Job Search Log?
        <dd class="faq_dd" id="def_1"><!--- todo Answer Question ---></dd>
        <dt class="faq_dt" id="faq_2">Do I need to register to use Job Search
        <dd class="faq_dd" id="def_2">No, but you will not be able to send
letters unless you have a personal profile.</dd>
        <dt class="faq_dt" id="faq_3">Are you affiliated with the State
Unemployment Department?
        <dd class="faq_dd" id="def_3">No, Job Search Log is an independent
venture but we endeavor to provide free services to all users of the
state uemployment system and welcome the Unemployment Departments to
link to our site.</dd>

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