I just found out that this function that worked (doubled checked to confirm)
worked under 1.2.4 but isn't working under 1.2.6.  I'm not sure what.  Can
anyone see anything obvious?

bindDeleteLinks = function(who){
        $("a.rembtn", '#' + who).unbind('click');
        $("a.rembtn", '#' + who).click(function(){
        console.log('bound and clicked ' + who);
            $(('#' + this.id + 'row')).css({display:'none'});
            $.get('includes/tools/runtime.lasso?task=meetings&who=' + who +
'&method=remove&pageID=' + pageID + '&rel=' + this.id);
            return false;

Under 1.2.6, the console message doesn't even show.

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