I figured out a workaround for this.

I don't think it is the best way but it will have to do until I figure out
how to do it another way.

I just created all the initial variables as one structure then passed them
into the jquery.flash plugin after converting them into the correct format.

If someone knows a better way please let me know about it.


 jQuery.fn.test = function(options) {
         var settings = jQuery.extend({
               src: "Viewer.swf",
               menu: false,
               wmode: 'Opaque',
               width: 270,
               height: 280,
               ImagePath: "/myImagePath/",
               xmlPath : "/mtyXmlPath/",
               intX: 0,
               intY: 0
              // ... Plus around 16 other vars.
            }, options);

         var embedsettings = {
          src      : settings.src,
          menu     : settings.menu,
          wmode    : settings.wmode,
          width    : settings.width,
          height   : settings.height,
          flashvars: {
                    ImagePath: settings.ImagePath,
                    xmlPath: settings.xmlPath,
                    intX: settings.intX,
                    intY: settings.intY


       $(this).flash(embedsettings,{ version: 9 });

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Kevin Pepperman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a simple plugin working that utilizes the jquery.flash plugin.
> I am using my plugin to load a flash file that has around 20 flashvars. (i
> only listed a few here).
> Most of the time the default flashvars are fine..but sometimes I need to
> modify only certain flashvariables... but not all of them.
> My question is how do I change only one of the flashvars so I dont have to
> add every single flashvar to every methodcall.?
> my plugin code:
>  jQuery.fn.test = function(options) {
>    var settings = jQuery.extend({
>           src: "Viewer.swf",
>           menu: false,
>           wmode: 'Opaque',
>           width: 270,
>           height: 280,
>           flashvars: {
>                ImagePath: "/myImagePath/",
>                xmlPath : "/mtyXmlPath/",
>                intX: 0,
>               intY: 0
>               // ... Plus around 16 other vars.
>                      }
>             }, options);
>     $(this).flash(settings,{ version: 9 });
>     };
> ---------------------
> If I use:
>   $('#mydiv').test({flashvars: { ImagePath : "/myImagePath/"  });
> It overwrites all the default flashvars.
> and of course this wont work either:
>    $('#mydiv').test({flashvars.ImagePath : "/myImagePath/"  });
> There must be some way to access just one of the flashvars.
> Anyone know of a way to do this?
> Thanks!

Emo Philips  - "I got some new underwear the other day. Well, new to me."

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