
void function OnSorted(InE) {


function OnSorted(InE) {

- Richard

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 6:25 PM, PeteShaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've searched around a bit and can't find any examples of someone
> having the same issue, so hopefully someone out there can help. I'm
> try to save sort order server side through a ajax call on sortable
> stop.
> I've got this to work in IE6/7 using the stop: event to call a
> function i.e.:
> var sortingOptions = { opacity: .5, containment: "parent", items:
> ".item", stop: function(e) { OnSorted(e) } };
> $(".toolBelt.sortable").sortable(sortingOptions);
> which calls another js:
> void function OnSorted(InE) {
>   //On Drop of Drag Drop sort
>   var ButtonList;
>   ButtonList =;
>   var i;
>   var query_string = "";
>   //loop through and create querystring from array
>   for (i = 0; i <= ButtonList.length-1; i++) {
>       if (ButtonList[i].id!="")
>           query_string += ButtonList[i].id + ",";
>   }
>   $.ajax(
>   {
>       type: "POST",
>       url: "/Pages/ajaxPostBack.aspx",
>       data: "postback=EditApp;" + query_string
>   });
> However if I try the same operation in Firefox 3 I get the javascript
> error:
> OnSorted is not defined
> [Break on this error] var sortingOptions = { opacity: .5, containment:
> "parent", items...
> Anyone come across this before?
> cheers
> Pete

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