Arun Kumar wrote:
Suppose I have two tags <Date> and <Time> as below:

    TestTag Text Node

How can I find whether TestTag is present in between the <Date> and
<Time> tags or not?

The <TestTag> may present any where in the document. But I want to
know whether it is present between <Date> and <Time> tags or not?

TestTag is not the only tag that exists between Date and Time tags.

If Date, Time, and TestTag are all siblings, this might do it:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("Date").each(function() {
            var $time = $(this).nextAll("Time:first");
            var $date = $time.prevAll("Date:first");
            if ($date[0] != this) return;
            $date.nextAll("TestTag").each(function() {
                if ($(this).nextAll("Time:first")[0] == $time[0]) {
        function process(tag) {
            // Tag is a TestTag between a Date and Time...

If they are not, it might get tricky. There is a little added complexity here to cover the possiblity of


in which the TestTag would be processed twice if you used the simpler

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("Date").each(function() {
            var $time = $(this).nextAll("Time:first");
            $(this).nextAll("TestTag").each(function() {
                if ($(this).nextAll("Time:first")[0] == $time[0]) {
        function process(tag) {
            // Tag is a TestTag between a Date and Time...

But if you can guarantee that Dates and Times always come in matched pairs, the latter would probably be better.


  -- Scott

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